United States Global Treaties and How They Affect Your Freedom


Recognition of a Global Economy

The rule of law has clearly changed. The 1789 U.S. Constitution was intended to be the supreme law of the land. The Founders established it to be the source of rights and duties that lay the foundation for America’s entire way of life. It clearly states the rights provided for and to be retained by American citizens. It was originally designed to limit government in order to provide the greatest measure of personal freedom.

Perhaps America’s Founding Fathers could not imagine a world where communication is instantaneous and air travel is both easy and customary, because one thing the constitution lacks is the recognition of a global economy. However that being said, since the founding of the American Nation, America has been involved in active trade and other agreements on a global level. What happens when the U.S. and its people interact with citizens from other countries? Where do the rules—the rights and duties of everyday life—apply?

American government and global economy answers that question by drafting and implementing treaties.

What is a Treaty?

The U.S. Department of State keeps track of treaties for the federal government. Their list of treaties in force defines a treaty as an international agreement made by the President of the United States with the advice and consent of the Senate in accordance with article 2 of the U.S. Constitution. America is a republic, and uses a republican form of government, and whose citizens elect individual district members to go to Washington to represent them by voting in a democratic form of order, article 2 of the Constitution requires two-thirds of the Senators who represent American citizens, to be present in order to agree to the treaty.

That two-thirds approval is important—a treaty needs bipartisan support to succeed. This means that the treaty is protected from presidential power and the interests of the individual states are guarded, meaning they are prohibited.

Why are senators needed to agree to a treaty? Agreement is needed because every time an American representative signs a treaty it removes a citizen’s guaranteed constitutional right under the original 1789 U.S. Constitution titled “Constitution for the United States of America.”

The Constitution for the United States of America states:

“We the People of the United States, in Order to from a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings (Blessings) of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

This was an establishment that allowed for a government that was governed by its citizen. Not citizens governed by their government.

However, after the Civil War Congress on February 21, 1871 inacted the Act of 1871. This was done in order to procure foreign European banking loans, primarily from at that time the Rothschild’s of London Banking organization and other European central banks to keep America from bankruptcy after the war.

This new Constitutional law created by the Act of 1871, now changed the American government from the “Constitution for” to the “Constitution of” the United States of America.

That change intern surrendered/changed citizens’ rights to that of the lesser right of The United State corporate government entity located in the District of Columbia. The Act of 1871 divided law into those that are public and those that are private. Laws now known as private international law or Roman civil law, and admiralty/maritime law also known as, divine right of kings and law of the sea – sovereignty laws. These changes took America from a service or municipal oriented government entity to a corporate or profit oriented government under the new 1871 law change.

In other words, when you’re elected representatives sign and agree to a treaty they know they are subjecting citizen’s to limits. They knowingly limit greater free and guaranteed individual rights under the new law under the The Constitution of the United States of America created under the Act of 1871.

The change from the original Constitution for the United States of America allows citizens rights to be surrendered to that of the lesser right of The United State corporation and the resulting public and private ruling laws. Because the 1871 law change now allows the government to govern its people, unlike the original government set up to be governed by the consent of the governed. Therefore, the effective treaty now becomes the law of the land, whatever it may be for.

It is important that the voter not only understand the laws being passed or voted on, but that they elect representatives who reflect their values? Once elected, that elected representative can vote, however they see fit. Here is where the democratic government part comes into play. Citizens’ representatives vote, based on a democratic form of governing order known as the American Democracy, whereby the majority of the vote of the elected representatives carries or wins the vote by majority rule, and it may not necessarily be how the citizen wants them to vote.

The Filibuster Rule

This is why our Founders kept the rule to filibuster, as a balance of power against one party rule. It was meant to slow things down. To make time for thoughtful deliberations before laws were passed. The rule allowed citizens’ representative to protect their rights under the Constitution, by allowing their representative time to block a bill or vote before the full senate in order to have time to argue the citizen’s case, and the case of his or her constituency before the other members of the senate.

The filibuster slow down, allows time for the representative to argue and discourse on the citizen’s behalf to persuade other Senate members to come over to their side of an issue, vote etc. The American government was deliberately designed to move very slowly by our Founding Fathers to help avoid hurtful mistakes to our country’s citizens through the use of debate via the filibuster. In this case, a treaty that may affect a representatives constituency. It helped to protect the rights of the “little guy” citizen from being trampled on. It was used in the anti-slavery movement, the civil rights movement, to block appointments to judicial office, to name a few. They even made a movie about filibustering, where the little guy wins. It’s called “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington,” starring Jimmy Stewart.

That senate filibuster rule of protection for the individual citizen, has for the first time in the history since the founding as a nation, been removed in the fall of 2013 under the leadership of Democratic Senator Harry Reid. This action now for the first time in our nation’s history restricts senators, as representatives of their constituency from actively representing them during the time that the whole senate is in session. It has eliminated the discussion and debate on the senate floor regarding laws or issues of importance to citizens that their representative brings up on their behalf for discussion. Limiting the voice for all arguments to be heard and discussed on behalf of all the citizens represented by their duly elected representative.

This fundamentally allows for taxation without representation for a portion of the country’s citizens because they are, through their elected representatives restrained from full and free representation by their elected representative. Leaving them without full and free representation to express their voice and opinion on how government should run removing their rights as citizens under our Constitution by effectively silencing their voice spoken through their legally elected representative. Thereby, effectively making them second class citizens. Citizens, who have no voice, or expression of that voice, are effectively squashed and silenced at the will of another who has the ability to speak their mind on an issue and topic of law and American governance, therefore, effectively becoming a second class citizen without the right of debate known as the filibuster rule.

How elected representatives vote, directly impact the citizen in very personal ways. One current example is the new Health Care Bill in acted in America in 2013. It was passed before they knew what was in the bill. To find out what was in the law democratic speaker of the House of Representative 2007-2011 Nancy Pelosi said “we need to pass it, to see what’s in it.”

Historically, American representatives were more concerned with the crux of the law submitted for votes before the House and Senate to protect their constituent’s Constitutional rights. The consummate American representative, Abraham Lincoln was known for his study of proposed laws. In today’s fast moving digital world there is not always the study and careful thought that there should be, by some of today’s elected representatives as is exampled by the Affordable Care Act.

How did this happen?

American Progressive Values

The American progressive values developed as an off shoot of the communist party during the early 1930’s America, which then slowly made its way into the traditional democratic party and then into the other parties, and has flourished in the American political system since the 1960’s. The communist party USA web site states that “The Communist Party has an unparalleled history in the progressive movement of the United States and that the origins of the Communist movement can be found in the left wing of the Socialist Party.”

This has changed and deluded over time what were long held traditional American values. An example is the 1940’s Supreme Court ruling that the duty of education was not to standardize society. Since these progressive values have slowly invaded the American culture, most American citizens confuse progressive values as the historic traditional values, formed from the founding of the nation and that are found in America’s founding documents known as:

  • The Declaration of Independence
  • The U.S. Constitution
  • The Bill of Rights
  • The Federalist Papers

Progressivism has slowly used economic and financial actions through political channels, laws, policies and executive orders to change, and transform the traditional American society and political structure as avenues to further change, reducing traditional constitutionally guaranteed personal freedom for each succeeding generation. One way this happens is through the use of treaties.

While most American citizens do not recognize global governance believing that their rights under the Constitution are secure, both parties elected representatives know, and understand that through the use of treaties, laws and executive orders that the re-interpretation of citizen’s right has occurred and that their superior individual rights are now reduced and subject to global governance.

Global Governance

Is a political governmental system currently recognized by the greater world at large, and referred to as global governance. It limits the foundational rights stated in the Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution through the use of treaties, national laws and judicial interpretation by American judges using world court decisions, and American progressive values, new legislative laws, economic and financial policies, and has moved America toward global governance, known as the New World Order.

Because the constitution lacks the recognition of a global economy there has been a push over the last century, as well as in this new millennium, to use the U.S. Constitution as a living document under the Act of 1871 to reinterpret the rights of the people for whom it was written, to proceed to a one world global government using global governance by way of the United Nations (UN), The World Bank (WBO) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) via treaties and other political financial methods. The UN defines global governance or world governance as “the political interaction of international actors aimed at solving problems that affect more than one state or region. Its purpose is to establish the power of enforcement”

With regard to political parties in America, it is also important that one understand and know what his or her political party platforms represent. A political party can influence change in American representation for citizens and limit citizens’ rights and freedoms, by the supporting of candidates’ that represent their chosen political party, but which may, or may not represent the beliefs, values, and other measures important to a constituent. Especially if that constituent is an uninformed voter, who votes along party lines without studied consideration, of party platforms and a candidates qualities and beliefs. Changing the agreements between the government and it’s people. One way this it done, is by the use of Presidential executive orders.

Executive Agreements

With regard to executive orders, one needs to first start by understanding executive orders and the powers they grant. Executive orders and directives are issued by the President as the leader and head of the executive branch of the government. Executive orders have the force of law when they remain unchallenged in court, and when supported by our legislative branch of the House of Representative or the Senate, and are used to make large policy changes. They are sometimes misused to promote party line politics over the best interest of the citizens.

The American government has three branches:

  • Executive
  • Legislative
  • Judicial

These branches are set up by the Founding Fathers to promote a multiple layers of checks and balances that created a balance of power between each branch of government, while providing the greatest amount of individual Constitutionally guaranteed freedom to its citizens. This was done as protections against any arbitrary power that might try to usurp the other branches of government and help protect citizenry both individual and collectively through the placing of limits against the arbitrary power of government.

Treaties and Executive Agreements

Today, the Senate distinguishes between treaties and executive agreements. Executive agreements are international agreements that are not submitted for the advice and consent of the Senate. Instead, they are signed by the President and approved by majority vote of the House of Representatives and the senate. Most international trade agreements are handled this way.

Treaties are responsible for great transactions, like the Louisiana Purchase, which was when the U.S. bought much of the land west of the Mississippi from France (now Louisiana). Treaties also govern more routine activities, like ocean fishing, international air transportation, oil exploration, and everyday buying and selling between countries which directly effects the value of our American U.S. Dollar and its worth based on the international monetary fund’s (IMF) value of the U.S. dollar valued per a gram of gold in the global market place.

The Treaties of Today

Treaties like the Louisiana Purchase are rare, but as the world’s economy grows treaties and executive agreements can impact our everyday lives. Treaties and executive agreements about trade are a good example of its effect in our daily routines. The legislation can influence everything from the price high or low that we pay for gas, to the inflation, deflation, stagflation in our economy, to where the strawberries we ate for breakfast were grown.

For example, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) created the world’s largest free trade area among the U.S., Canada and Mexico. The agreement was not favored by all, especially with the current rumble in the U.S. economy. Critics said the agreement made it easier for U.S. companies to move jobs to Canada and Mexico, meaning jobs were lost in the U.S.—an opportunity cost that directly impacts the American economy and individual job availability.

On the other hand for example, NAFTA made it easier for American consumers to see Mexican strawberries or Canadian cookies on their supermarket shelves because more suppliers outside of the United States were competing in the American marketplace. It is possible those strawberries were a few cents cheaper because less laws, and regulation in the foreign country, make it possible to grow and import at a lower cost than American farmers restricted by laws, and safety regulations when grown in our own country.

Global politics can be difficult to understand and keep up with. New developments change the way the U.S. conducts business with foreign companies and territories, and the value of our currency. A basic understanding of the political lexicon can help you determine what kind of legislation has a potential effect on you and your family, so you can act accordingly as an informed citizen of the U.S.

Citizens play a direct roll through their vote, and activism, in how government runs. Vigilance is required by a country’s citizenry to voice their views, and wishes to their elected representatives. History has shown that abuse of power by government is always a threat to any free people.

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