About Meniere’s Disease


Recognizing the Signs

Our ears recognize sounds and transform energy into signals the brain can understand. Our ears also help maintain our balance and sense of position, like the ability for our body to recognize if we are standing or lying down.

Meniere’s Disease, which is also referred to as Vertigo Disease or Meniere’s Syndrome, is an inner ear disorder that cases vertigo, dizziness, ringing of the ears (tinnitus) and hearing loss. It tends to appear in people aged 40 to 50 and affects 200 out of every 100,000 people.

Although not fatal, the side effects of Meniere’s Disease are chronic, lasting for long periods of time. When the symptoms begin they can last for a few hours or up to a day, although the latter is rarer.

Testing New Treatment Options

There is no cure for Meniere’s Disease, but victims can treat the side effects for some relief. Over the counter medications like antihistamines and diuretics can be taken to make “attacks” more comfortable.

Early this year, 50 specialists began a clinical trial that they hope will lead to the first-ever FDA-approved drug for treating Meniere’s Disease. In the past, the focus for treatment has been on injecting steroids into the ear to help balance the fluids that cause dizziness and nausea. While the results are promising, they do not last long because the fluid disappears quickly.

The new trial converts the fluid into a gel, allowing it to last longer in the ear canal, providing relief for longer periods of time. Although, doctors and patients alike agree there may be better solutions that are not as obtrusive to the body, this new development is one step closer to providing relief to hundreds of thousands of people who suffer from this syndrome.

Home Remedies & Natural Relief

For many, coping with the symptoms of this debilitating disease is the best and only option. Try some of the home remedies below to sooth your nausea and vertigo:

Ginger – Ginger ale, raw ginger, or ginger in tea all work well.

Acupressure – Pressure points on your wrist can be used to curb dizziness. Discover how to locate your pressure points and learn how to stimulate them.

Lemon/Peppermint – The smell of lemon and peppermint have been known to cut though severe nausea. Slice a lemon in half and hold it up to your nose, or dip a cotton ball in peppermint oil and apply to your gums repeatedly.

Put Your Feet Up – Prop up your feet on a pillow (preferably in a dark, cool room).

Stretch – Although it may go against your natural instinct to curl into a ball until the nausea passes, stretching (like basic yoga poses) can help calm your stomach and muscles.

Above everything, retreating to a quiet and cool place where you can relax will make the biggest difference. It is rare that victims have an attack for a full day, but often the exhaustion of fighting the pain requires a half a day’s rest. Take the time to heal correctly.

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